Tuesday, November 10, 2009

1 Lagi chater mig33 meninggal dunia

viper_99 id di mig33 nya... beliau adalah chater mig33 dari tanjung termasuk lama juga knal di mig33.. orang nya gak pernah macem2 kaya plood,multy,abusing etc...
pokok nya terkenal baik...
kronologis: sepulang dari kerja viper_99 mandi dan ganti baju,kemudian keluar hendak mengganti ban motor ke bengkel... seperti biasa dan udah jd kebiasaan dimanapun berada asal baterai dan pulsa terisi pasti online mig33...jd pada saat itu seperti biasa tangan kanan memegang gas motor dan tangan kiri memegang hp ( online ) pada saat yang bersamaan melintas sebuah sepeda motor yang membawa besi... karena kaget viper_99 kemudian menghindar namun oleng ke sebelah kanan,dari arah berlawanan melintas mobil kijang dan langsung bertabrakan... viper_99 di bawa ke rumah sakit tanjung dan di rujuk ke RS Bhayangkara Banjarmasin... namun setelah beberapa operasi viper_99 pun meninggal dunia....selamat jalan kawan..... semoga arwah mu di terima di sisi NYA.... saran untuk mig33 team : agar menayangkan announcement untuk mengingatkan agar para chater lebih berhati-hati lagi dalam keadaan online dimana saja. dan untuk keselamatan bersama... chat dengan aman..

English version:
mig33 id viper_99 in his ... he is from the promontory chater mig33 also includes long known in mig33 .. its people like never 2 rich plood, Multy, etc ... main abusing his well-known ... chronological order: coming home from work viper_99 shower and change clothes, then went out to change the tire bike to the shop ... as always and everywhere a habit jd've been home and pulse charged battery must be online mig33 ... so at the time as usual right hand holding a gas motor and the left hand holding the hp (online) at the same time passing a motorcycle that brings the iron. .. viper_99 shock away but then swerved to the right, from the opposite direction across the car and immediately deer collided ... viper_99 taken to the hospital in capes and Bhayangkara refer to Banjarmasin ... but after several operations had died viper_99 .... bye ..... comrade I hope your spirit in the side NYA received .... (suggestions for mig33 team: to publish announcement to remind that the chater more cautious again in from anywhere.)
and to safety with ... chat with safe .. i hope mig33 team see and comment in this blog...


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